The video shows a live performance by the artist Eugenio Belgrado at the 2015 Mestre in Arte event, which also held an exhibition of his works. The finished work was sold at a charity auction in conclusion of the performance.
The video is a timelapse shot with a fixed camera so as not to disturb the artist during the performance. The photos were then selected and adjusted in post to give the video more dynamism.
- Photography
- Videomaking

The exhibition
“A number of works from different sources are collected here. Some are parts of picture books, or projects for completed or future stories. Some others are exercises, materials for artistic investigation, experiments, or simple works in their own right, so-called whims.
My passions have always oriented me towards surrealism and metaphysics, although I also greatly appreciate symbolism, both 19th century and earlier. I am naturally attracted by all those grotesque and smoky atmospheres that always hint at a constant underlying dualism, between attractive and repulsive, rational and irrational, logical and illogical, without ever claiming to give answers but rather posing questions.
My working tools, i.e. the various techniques, range from intaglio, lithography, nib drawing, watercolour, or any medium that lends itself to what is appropriate for the result I want to achieve. I do not set myself any limits in the hybridization of techniques, considering myself decidedly anti-sectarian, that is to say, considering the various artistic fields not isolated from each other but complementary for the purposes of creation.”
Final work
Due to the painting being sold at a charity auction shortly after its completion, I did not possess a photo of the finished product. Therefore, I was able to create said image through photo editing of one of the same pictures used for this timelapse.